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Writer's pictureCarla Gibson

About Oils

What Are Essential Oils and How Can They Help You?

Indeed the benefits of essential oils are staggering! Each oil or blend has its unique qualities, and we use them for various situations and health support.

Essential oils come from plants. But before I get into more details about what they are, I thought you'd like to know some of the ways people are using them to improve their lives.

Naturally Supports Wellness

Many essential oils support wellness as well as support various healthy body systems, naturally. So even though there are thousands of beneficial uses, here are a few of them as they relate to your body.

  • Some help support healthy gallbladder and liver function.

  • Some provide a relaxing and calming aroma when you most need it.

  • Some help you wind down at bedtime and ease you into sweet dreams.

  • Some support healthy weight management.

  • Some support a healthy immune system.

  • Some support a healthy digestive system.

  • Some support healthy gastrointestinal function.

  • Some deliver powerful antioxidants when taken internally.

  • Some support a healthy lymphatic system.

  • Some have cleansing properties.

  • Some help maintain a healthy circulatory system.

  • Many help with keeping your home refreshed!

So What Are Essential Oils? Now that you know some of the ways essential oils are used, you may be wondering how they do this and exactly what they are.

In a Nutshell...

· An essential oil is a concentrated liquid usually obtained from various parts of a plant.

· Essential oil is the essence of a plant.

Which Means...

Essential oils are aromatic, highly concentrated plant extracts that are carefully obtained from the plant.

Oils get harvested from farm-grown or wild-crafted plants, herbs, and trees. With this process, the oils inside a plant get extracted into a highly concentrated and beneficial form.

We're lucky that Young Living's oils get carefully extracted through steam distillation, resin tapping, and cold pressing.

✔️ It has been said that the purest essential oils are far more potent than the plants from which they're derived.

Interesting to Know

  • Plants also use their "essence" or what we call, "essential oils." Meaning, that this "essential oil" drawn from the plant is what the plant itself uses to help with infection control, humidity control, hormonal effects wound healing, and attracting or repelling insects, birds, and animals!

  • Essential oils do not feel oily; they are called "oils" because they contain the oil-soluble compounds in the plant.

  • Essential oils are highly volatile, that's why they are sometimes also called volatile oils - meaning they evaporate quickly after coming in contact with oxygen.

Here Are The 3 Main Ways People Get Effective Results Using Oils

It's easy to use essential oils, and if they are pure, it is somewhat hard to misuse them!

I have found that using oils is easy, and you're not likely to use them incorrectly. Most people benefit from using essential oils in the following ways.

Many of Us Enjoy Them Aromatically...

Diffusing is a favorite way to use essential oils and is probably the most commonly known. This method is done by breathing or smelling the oils. Have you ever walked into a spa and smelled the pleasing aroma? There are multiple ways you can use them aromatically.

  • Use a cool-mist diffuser to diffuse the essential oils into your rooms.

  • Add drops of your favorite essential oils to a cotton ball and place it in areas where you want to disperse the scent.

  • Add a drop from the bottle into the palm of your hand, rub your palms together, then cup your hands around your mouth and nose and inhale.

We Also Use Them Topically

A lot of people like to use oils topically, and this use is one of the most popular. Usually, finding out how to use essential oils on the skin is what turns most people from casual oil users to avid users.

  • Essential oils can be applied on the bottom of your feet, on the crown of your head, behind your ears, on the back of your neck, and/or to your temples. Keep in mind; some oils should be diluted, as per their directions.

  • Use essential oils for a relaxing or invigorating massage.

  • Use essential oils to help improve the appearance of healthy skin and hair when applied topically.

And, We Use Oils Internally

You can get the benefits of essential oils by ingesting them!

Yes, you read that right. Young Living offers a line of oils labeled explicitly for internal use.

Vitality™ Dietary essential oils were labeled to provide a clear distinction between oils for internal use and those for topical and aromatic use. They are the same pure, authentic essential oils but simply labeled differently, so there's no confusion!

IMPORTANT: All oils are NOT created equally, and I would never use an oil internally that is not labeled for such.

  • Adding a drop or two of your favorite Vitality™ oil to water throughout the day is a great way to stay hydrated.

  • Put several drops of oil into a vegetable capsule and swallow with water.

  • Place a drop directly on your tongue.

  • Adding essential oils to recipes is a great way to add potent and unique flavors into your favorite foods.

Keep in mind that each of these ways has unique benefits.

Things That You Will Want to Know

Because they are quite potent, here are a few more pointers for using them. Remember, a little goes a long way!

  • Less is more! You can always add another drop. When you start using them, start with less.

  • Due to potency, some oils may be irritating to the skin. If irritation occurs, immediately apply V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex or pure vegetable oil to the affected area to dilute. Never use water, as it will just spread the oil further, as you may have heard water and oil just don't mix.

  • Always read label directions for each oil before use.

  • Do not put essential oils in eyes, ears, nose, or other areas with sensitive skin.

This is What You Need to Know About Tainted Essential Oils

I feel purity is vital in essential oils. I've learned that the purity of an oil is not only crucial to its effectiveness but its safety as well!

Here's what you need to know about oils that are pure vs. oils that are adulterated. Essential oils are rich in molecules that help carry oxygen, nutrients, and other substances through the cell membranes. Combine essential oils with impure or toxic substances, and they will take those poisons into every cell of your body! Not only that, but unsuspecting consumers may apply oils only to find that the supposedly pure essential oil causes irritation. When oils contain added chemicals and components, this can certainly make them bothersome to the skin.

People Using Adulterated Oils Could Be Poisoning Themselves

Instead of getting the benefits of wholesome essential oils, consumers may instead be poisoning themselves unknowingly, or decide that essential oils don't work because they used inferior essential products.

Watch for These Red Flags That Essential Oils May Be Tainted

I've found that pure essential oils are usually a bit more costly. It takes a lot of plant material to fill a single bottle of essential oil, and when the plant is rare or scarce, it further drives up the price.

While a high price does not necessarily translate to high quality, it is prudent to be careful of an essential oil coming with a super-cheap price tag!

For example, bargain prices

· $9.00 for 1/2 oz. of "pure, organic" lavender oil

· $25.00 for "pure" frankincense.

Please be Very Cautious in Buying Essential Oils Online

Knowing the following information is how you can ensure you're getting an authentic Young Living product.

Young Living's policies prevent members from selling Young Living® products for less money than what members can purchase them. So if you see a Young Living oil being sold for less than you can buy it (as a member), then you should know there is a great possibility it has been diluted.

Additionally, members are not allowed to sell them online in places like Amazon® and other online stores. However, you will still find unscrupulous sellers on places like Amazon® and eBay® (and other online shops), pretending to be Young Living®, selling Young Living oils.

I recommend you never buy Young Living oils from anywhere except directly from Young Living. But if you do, please exercise tremendous caution when purchasing through alternative sources because it is so easy to dilute the product and sell it as an original. Believe me. It is just too simple to put a new lid (seal unbroken) on the bottle!

You may wonder how oils are adulterated.

There are many ways an essential oil can be contaminated and still be called "100% pure".

I've learned that some suppliers will extend or stretch the oils by diluting them with fatty oils like almond oil, coconut oil, etc. or by adding alcohol or even adding surfactants and emulsifiers. Suppliers do this to make the essential oils less expensive.

✔️ If an oil is extended with fatty oil, you can detect it by the greasy feel on the skin. A pure essential oil will not leave a greasy feel on the skin after a few moments.

✔️ Another test is to place the essential oil on paper. A pure essential oil will not leave an oily mark when dried. A simple test to detect an emulsifier in an oil is by placing a drop in water. A pure Essential oil will float on the top whereas emulsified mixtures will dissolve in water and produce milky or opaque solutions.

I won't share all the ways essential oils are being diluted and processed because this would then get too scientific. I hope the above examples help you see that being careful about where you purchase your essential oils is also part of the "purity" equation!

Again, all this is only important if you want consistent results, and I certainly want this.

Start Your New Lifestyle Journey Today!

To get started, you simply need to enroll as a member with Young Living, select your starter kit, and start experiencing the difference! It really is as simple as that.

How could a membership save you money? Look at the Big Benefits You Get with Membership!

Look at the Big Benefits You Get with Membership

How would you like to start-out saving 24% right away? Membership comes with a lot of perks and very little obligation.

To begin ordering from Young Living as a member you simply select a starter kit that feels right for you and create an account. Going forward, all of your products are ordered directly from and shipped by Young Living.

Member Benefits

You purchase your products at the wholesale price and get a lot of other great benefits:

  • Save 24% off retail prices

  • Save even more with exclusive specials and promotions every month

  • No monthly obligations or membership fees*

  • Save up to 25% more by enrolling in Essential Rewards

  • REQUIRES a one-time purchase of a Starter Kit

I sincerely recommend that you start your essential oils journey with a premium starter kit. This is a TREMENDOUS VALUE for your money, and you can choose the kit that is right for you.

A New Lifestyle

I'd love to welcome you to Young Living membership. This is where you will find more than essential oils—you'll find a new lifestyle.

There's potential to earn free products, transform your financial future, and bring life-changing solutions to homes around the world - if you want to.

*Membership Has No Obligations

Membership has no obligations other than purchasing roughly 50PV in discounted products each year to maintain the membership.

Are you ready to say YES to these amazing essential oils? If you are, then I ask you to allow me to help you start your journey today.

Click on the link below to see what kit is right for you.

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